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La Tomatina: The Tomato Festival

La Tomatina is the local festival celebrated in the Valencian area of Buñol, in which people throw tomatoes at each other. It takes place every year, on the last wednesday of august, in order to mark the week of parties thrown for Buñol.

tomatina <b>tomato</b> festival

It all started on the last wednesday of august back in 1945, when some teenagers were hanging out in the village main square. Just then, a line of big, hat-wearing musicians passed. The bored teens decided to join the line, causing one of the people further along to fall down to the ground. Angered, the man started to hit everybody in his path. It just so happened, there stood a vegetable stand nearby, which is where the party´s protagonist comes in; the tomato. The angry mob started to throw tomatoes at one another, until the authorities finally ordered a stop be put to the tomato battle.

Without meaning to, the people taking part that wednesday in 1945 had made history. The following year, the same thing was repeated, with people bringing tomatoes from their own homes, and the battle was eventually shut down by the police. Though the fiesta was officially prohibited, the participants carried on year after year (along with the occasional arrest). Finally, in 1957, the “tomatina” was christened as an official festival. And ever since, it has been organised and sponsored by the Buñol council, and is one of the areas biggest tourist attractions.

The festival starts at around 10 in the morning, though most people have already arrived the night before, to take part in the local festivities. The fiesta is opened with a soap stick, a custom which involves going up a soapy stick, which has ham on top. When the ham is finally removed, the battle can commence. Everybody is sprayed with hosepipes, people ripping their tops and other people´s, and spray water on anybody passing through the square normally clothed.

Vans filled with tomatoes start their route from the park known as San Luís, ending up at the village square, where most people are congregated. The tomato throwing goes on for an entire hour – every single person there throws tomatoes, and has tomatoes thrown on them. All tomatoes must be crushed before they are thrown to avoid any injuries. After the hour of combat, the streets are transformed into tomato rivers, and there is red everywhere.

After the festival, everybody gets together to clean the streets, and then it´s time for the Siesta Popular. The council makes showers available for those who have taken part, and people also head down to the river to wash out any remaining traces of tomato.

Other towns round the world celebrate similar festivals, in countries including Columbia, Costa Rica, China, Chile and the United States.

A few words of advice beforehand; go in comfortable clothing which is not precious to you, which you don´t mind ripping – as we said before, it is customary for people to rip one another´s tops. To avoid any problems with eyes, swimming goggles would be a good idea – and finally, the swimming pools of the village residents are not the place to wash out bits of tomato; just ask to be hosed down.

Ara Only-apartments AuthorAra

If you are in apartments in Valencia for the 31st of august this year, head down to Buñol – you can get there by car or train – but you have to be there at 10am on the dot to experience this incredible event. Take note of our advice, and get tomato-throwing!

Poppy Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Poppy