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The Descent by Caravaggio in Madrid

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, famous throughout the world and known simply as Caravaggio, was born in Milan and is one of the most important painters of the history of art, as well as one of the promoters of Baroque art.

descent caravaggio madrid

“The Descent”, one of his many paintings, is for the first time in Spain and will be on exhibition until the 18th of September at Prado Museum in Madrid. The painting is presented within the framework of exhibition “The Word made image- Paintings of Christ at the Prado Museum”; this exhibition will be composed of different works on display in the various museum galleries throughout the year.

“The Descent” is a unique and stunning painting that has three meters high and two wide. Here you can see Nicodemus and John carrying the body of Jesus Christ. On the back there is Mary Magdalene, who is drying her tears with a handkerchief with her head down in shame and true sadness.

“The Descent” is not the only painting that on display. There are in total 14 religion pieces, but without a doubt, the Caravaggio’s one will attract the higher amount of people throughout the months of exposure.

The story of the artist is quite cruel, he was born in 1573 and his parents passed away when he was just a child, after many problems, he managed to enter to one of the most important workshops, called Cavalier D´Arpino, in the year ´94. Eight months later, with a lot more experience and a life on track, he opened his own workshop. From that time Cardinal del Monte helped him in the development of his career and that´s how his works relate to both the church and religion.

More information: Museo del Prado: Calle Ruiz de Alarcón 23, Madrid, 28014

MiLK Only-apartments AuthorMiLK

If you want to visit the Prado Museum, to admire “The Descent” by Caravaggio, rent apartments in Madrid

Hans Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Hans