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Exhibition Imagenes en Lucha in Madrid

The Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo in Madrid is presenting the movie series Imágenes en lucha. Relatos de resistencia until the 3rd of FEbruary 2012. This movie exihibition commissioned by Céline Brouwez and Pablo Martínez seeks to expose those images that haven’t been taken up by circuits of image distribution like the movie theaters or television, but that show a different reality.

imagenes <b>lucha</b> madrid

We live in a society of images and every day we are being bombarded by them, but if we are being really honest how much do we know and see from reality? Very little. Today more than ever the image has become a fundamental instrument to capture daily facts and that thanks to mobile devices like cameras and cell phones.

The questions that the creators of this circle had was “What happens with all the documentation of resistance that goes against what is allowed/legal or that simply are directed against the system that are not seen or aren’t wanted to be seen and remain hidden? The answer is very simple, they are waiting for an opportunity to be shown and there are thousands of people that are waiting to see this invisible world in the media and movie series.

In realms of this series there are interesting exhibitions such as Fragmentos de una revolución that reveals images taken in Iran during the month of June in 2009 when the government manipulated the election results und thousands of civilianscame out to protest against the fraud standing up against political and military repression. On the streets without any official credential evidence it’s the civilians who construct a chronic of this event through pictures taken with cell phones and cameras of all sorts.

These images are the evidence of resistance, which, when being uploaded on youtube or sent via email, their visits are multiplied. The film is made with pieces of images and it’s a homage to those took part of the resistence to the regime and fought for their rights. The film will be released until the 16th of December at 8.30pm.

Les homes debout is another great production that talks about another resistance, that of the workers in front of the exploitation. It is a fiction film about the one-month strike in the Penarroya factory in Lyon, who, being Maghribian, were being mistreated, so they rebelled in 1972. Director Jeremy  Gravayat makes a movie essay that explores the memory of workers who lived their moment of glory in this strike.  Their stories and silences on the ruins of the factory make of these memories an exciting moment of resistance and speak about a world that fades before the advance of neoliberalism. This film is exhibited until January 20 at 8.30pm.

Also, notable films will be shown as: Trop tot, trop tard, (Too early, too late) La Commune (Paris, 1971), Qu´ils reposent en révolte (des figures de guerres), (They rest in the revolt (faces of war) and Palazzo delle aquile (Palace of the eagles).




A great idea for this fall is to rent apartments in Madrid and spend some wonderful days of relaxation attending all major cultural sights, such as the Art Center May 2.

Maria Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Maria