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Salvador Dali in Montmartre

There is something shocking in the character of Salvador Dali that impregnates with a halo of concern his full works. This born exhibitionist who made his life a media show was, at once a timid, even withdrawn character. While this indefatigable diver  of the depths dived in the unconsciousness of his being, he started in life at  an early age surrounded  by  books full of art, knowing that his genius lurked behind his well-know desire for provocation. Precursor of modern performances, he found the right environment for it in the bustling Paris between the wars.

salvador <b>dali</b> montmartre

Despite his  elitist education (no need to remember the names of those with whom he shared the concerns of youth), or because of it, Dalí was suffocating in the academic environments of a stale Madrid in the early years of the last century. Young Salvador was possessed by a ghost (the unconscious one, the dark and female part  of the male psyche) that constantly egged him to find new discoveries. It is therefore not surprising that uttering the famous phrase at the Academy (“None of us who are here have enough talent for self-examination” in a fairly free quote) headed  to Paris, the intellectual and artistic center of the time.

To say that Paris in the early decades of the twentieth century was only  the meeting place of writers, painters, sculptors, filmmakers and intellectuals from around the world is an brutal understatement. In the bohemian neighborhood of the French capital all those who now occupy whole chapters of history rubbed together. Paris attraction exerted itself as a powerful magnet for all those restless creative souls so more and more artists  came to meet her,. Thus, in late 1929 a young Salvador Dalí heads course to the French capital where he comes into contact with the Surrealist group. Here he meets his future wife, companion and muse, Elena Dmitrievna Diakonova, who has gone down in history as Gala. Of Russian origin and married to the surrealist poet Paul Eluard, she became the incarnation of the wounded soul of Dalí.

And in Paris, in Montmartre, the neighborhood of artists (still even today) is where the Dali area is found, although a museum,is not named as such. Acting as a permanent exhibition we find sculptures, paintings, prints, photographs and documents illustrating the passage of Salvador Dalí in Paris. The city and the artists who resided in it conditioned his particular worldview and therefore the artistic expression of the young Catalan, who in time, became the great painter which changed the artistic modes and even intervened (albeit unconsciously) in this space at number 11 in the Rue Puolbot. This site also has the support of two art galleries in the area. So the lucky settled economical traveler may even pick up a work of Salvador Dalí. The Espace Dali Montmartre is very close to the bohemian cafes favored by artists between the wars. here I leave the link with practical information and generous video http://www.daliparis.com/

And remember, before you leave, rent some good apartments in Paris if it is in Montmartre, much better.

Marc Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Marc