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9 / 11, 10 years later

What happened on September 11 was beyond the human tragedy and understanding. Thousands of lives lost to a violent act, which affected the whole world, and indeed, we still live the consequences until today, without having been able to control or improve the political situation in the United States. Therefore, the effect of World Trade Center bombing reverberated like a wave of fear and violence for most of the world. What Bush called his “War on Terror” continues to this day despite changes of government, the Obama administration and beyond. The execution of Saddam Hussein, the recent death of Osama Bin Laden, none of these deaths finally resolves the large scar left in the collective unconscious of September 11.

9/11 10 años despues

In addition to the deaths of thousands of people, September 11 is probably the best prepared terrorist operation in the history. At a performative or conceptual level, the implementation of this operation is more complex than one can think. The date was chosen considering the 911 related to the emergency number used in the United States. What other way to get deeper into the collective unconscious so violently. The 911, is the number you dial in a country like America, where violence and access to weapons are daily meal. Each time you dial this number, people inevitably remember this horror day. Similarly, the World Trade Center with its two main towers is an allusion to that number, 11, two lines are set to high. The collapse of two towers, the fall of what they represent, as the columns of the global economy, now is the echo of the global crisis, affecting both the U.S. and Europe. In addition to these subtle symbolic games, this attack was broadcasted worldwide and in real time. The whole world could witness, thanks to the media all everybody could see as the towers were falling one by one, as innocent people in despair had to jump through windows looking to escape from fire, asphyxiation.

There are many theories surrounding the fall of the World Trade Center on the 11th of September. You can find videos that explain how it is possible that all this, was nothing but a government conspiracy of the United States to invade Iraq for their main interest: oil. Similarly, compared to an economy in crisis, there is no better alternative business or production of income and funding the industry of war. After 10 years of bombing, unfortunately, there are millions of dollars lost in a useless war, affecting the entire globe.

Nowadays, attempts to take to the streets on Wall Street are finally a sign that the system based on terror does not work any more and it is time that both large investors and the government of the United States, finally react to the imminent economic chaos.


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Hans Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Hans