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The Fiestas de Gràcia in Barcelona

One of the most unique summer events in Barcelona is the party in Gràcia, a week in which the homonymous neighborhood streets are filled with color and fun. It’s an event not to be missed, especially if you plan to visit Barcelona in August and are looking to experience the true essence of a city.


The origins of this celebration date back to 1850, when the small town of Gràcia, an independent municipality of Barcelona of mostly peasants, was transformed by the arrival of artisans, laborers and small traders, which caused rapid growth in the area. Until then the patron of the neighborhood had been Saint Isidro, because of its agricultural character, but the inhabitants decided to modify it to adapt to changes in the area. Historians do not quite agree whether the patron chosen was the Virgin of August (August 15) or Saint Roque (August 16), but in any case, this established the festive nature of Gràcia around August 15.

Today, they is still a celebration organized by the neighbors and neighborhood merchants that gives them a special aura. About 20 streets and squares are decorated in artisanal fashion with a focus on a theme that changes every year so they can compete in a contest where the best decorated is chosen. The decorations are planned months in advance and the results are artistic works of great value. The Carrer de Verdi and Carrer de Joan Blanques have received the most awards, but all the streets are worth a visit. There is also a contest for the best decorated balconies.

Alongside the competitions, many free events, including a number for families and children, including workshops, exhibitions, gimkanas, dance, theater, etc…, will be held. There are also some 175 concerts of various styles: folk, swing, classical music , jazz, rock … The activities end at 2 am, but the party often continues in the streets until dawn.

This year´s edition, number 196, will take place from August 15 to 21. It will feature over 600 events. It’s a great opportunity to learn some Catalan traditions and mingle with the locals to discover the true essence of the neighborhood. You can see the full schedule of festivals official website: http://www.festamajordegracia.cat/agenda.

Gracia is the smallest district of Barcelona and has a distinctly bohemian, ethnic and artistic character, where tradition and modernity coexist amicably. It boasts the largest number of international restaurants in Barcelona and many attractions to visit, in addition to the festival. One of its greatest charms is that it is a neighborhood not as heavily visited by tourists, and there are numerous businesses and more traditional alternatives. The famous Park Güell, the Church of Our Lady of Coll, the Jaume Fuster Library and cultural centers such as the Cine Verdi or the Teatro Lliure stand out for being avant-garde, are some places you will want to visit in the neighborhood.

Now all you need to do is choose one of our apartments in Barcelona in the neighborhood of Gràcia so that you won´t miss out on this unique festival. That way, you won´t have to worry about the schedule or hours.