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Talking a walk through Barcelona: “Don Quijote in Barcelona”

Barcelona is the only real city that is mentioned in „Don Quijote de la Mancha“ and that’s because Miguel de Cervantes visited the city and was so captured by it that he described it in his book.

barcelona don quijote

Now there are organized tours throughout the city that explore the different places that Quijote and Sancho passed. On this route we are reminded of passages of the book, in which he expressed the greatness and beauty of the city.

And Cervantes was not only fascinated by the city but also the sea and that is why he described it so delicately in his texts.

Passing the Plaça de Palau where the gate of the city walls once were and where Cervantes initially places Quijote. We take a walk to Call street where the print shop of Sebastián de Comelles is that Hildalgo also visits in his novella. Still in the Barrio Gotico we pass the Perot lo Lladre Street where the Catalan bandit will lead Don Quijote and Sancho to Barcelona.

For more information on the journey in „El Quijote en Barcelona“: http://www.iperqueno.info/visitasguiadas/barcelona/rutasliterarias.htm


Benjami Only-apartments AuthorBenjami

If you would like to see Barcelona with Quijote’s eyes rent apartments in Barcelona and explore the city that was so fascinating to Cervantes.?

salome antigone Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: salome antigone