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Cola di Rienzo Rome

The Cola di Rienzo Italian school website shows, in a graphic and tremendously symbolic way, a jaguar in full flight. This beautiful and agile feline, one of the fastest on Earth, is used as a metaphor by the promoters of this language school for foreigners in Rome to show their ways of fast learning. Without doubt, when you study a language by immersion method in the country of origin with reduced groups for a few hours at a time, the results are astounding. In this complex world that we live in, learning other languages different to our native one is becoming essential and, the best way of adapting to circumstances, is to spend some time in a foreign country. There are good offers for flights and excellent short stay ones for apartments in Rome to mention the city where this language school for foreigners is. Also, in this guide, we´ve pointed out other services (from 24h pharmacies to bicycle rental companies as well as bookshops and cheap restaurants) that can be of use to you in your Roman adventure.