As the months go by, the escalade of signs preaching a symbolic end of the world seem to have become more undeniable as they prepare the path to the apotheosis of the prophecy of the Mayan year, validated both because of the mysterious and shocking precision of its astronomic observations as for the tendency to shelter in the hidden during these times of crisis and decadence.
At least in the Western countries, the financial side is the manifestation of this crisis that seems to affect the citizens more directly. After a shy promise of recovery, the crucial situation to which the posture of the most right-wing sectors of the Republican Party have forced the United States, that nearly declared itself bankrupt at the beginning of last August because of the refusal of the conservatives, with a majority in the Lower House, to pass the budgets for the next year if Obama´s administration didn´t compromise to reduce the social programmes and not increase taxes, caused a new attack by the financial speculators – who despite causing the biggest economic downfall since 1929, carry on operation in the most absolute deregulation and impunity and even imposing their politics to the governments in most part of the world – to the national economies of the most vulnerable countries, that caused a massive dip in the Western stock exchanges and left in evidence once again the possibilities of economic recovery in this part of the world, at least mid-term. Such is the situation that even the least pessimistic analysts say that we´re living the worst moment since 2008 and many are the voices (not all characterized usually by catastrophism) that sustain that the recession has just begun.
In times like these, when collective blindness is inconceivable, which has been on the other hand so well prepared by a holistic and multifunctional system of world mass cleansing, is when we´re not able to realise that our system and way of life, risking being terribly unfair and predatory, simply isn´t sustainable. There are people that, while they wait stoically and calmly for us to react with dignity as a species, manage to find solace looking at the replica of the splendid equestrian statue of the 2nd century located in the centre of the Piazza del Campidoglio – the original one is in the Capitolian Museums: and, going back to the reading of the Meditations or Soliloquies of the character represented, the emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius, who time has been generous with in order to demonstrate one of his most famous assertions, one has to say that ´everything that happens, happens fairly´, because not only do we have the fortune that the statue has preserved so well during centuries (the normal thing would be to melt the bronze to make coins or other statues) but also the unique notes, both for its literary elegance as for their deep honesty, in which he poured his philosophical and moral thoughts.
Paul Oilzum
It´s possible and reasonable that you think that these times call more for action than acceptance and calm, but that´s not an obstacle for you to enjoy both the texts as the sculpture of Marcus Aurelius when you rent apartments in Rome and find quietly if the wished for change doesn´t materialize.