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Erotic furniture in Barcelona

We live in a time where eroticism in culture moves at the speed of the internet, unfortunately. With computers we can find plenty of information on erotic and sexual subjects: how to satisfy your partner, offers on pleasure items, such as vibrators or even panties you can eat as well as plenty of pornography, webcams, international escorts for all genders and couples, how to improve your orgasm, etc. It´s all on the web at your total disposal and within reach of your credit card. Even more so, pleasure is within reach 24h a day with all the new apps for mobile phones. But is that true eroticism?

erotic <b>furniture</b> barcelona

What the net makes us forget is that eroticism is a couple or solo experience, that otherwise, despite being a mechanical act, a source of money spending, social shame (yes, it still exists) and clandestine consumption, should be a celebration of senses, the acknowledgement of our bodies as spaces for infinite pleasure. This way, eroticism should be an encounter with ourselves to recharge energies, put our feet firmly on the ground and see ourselves as human, here and now. Being sensual is being in the present, always.

For those who still believe in the sensuality of the couple in the bedroom, for those who are still romantics of the best sex, the Margarita Bonita shop in Barcelona offers some of the most interesting furniture for the bedroom. With avant-garde designs and personal care, the products of Margarita Bonita are as good as the best and most exquisite tastes, and guarantee new and prolonged movements of sexual pleasure. For example, Margarita Bonita offers the Neotantra sofa, where you can improvise different positions with your partner, whether you´re sitting down or lying on it. Its practical design allows you to keep it still without any problems and adjust it to your taste.

In the same way, her bed model Movement will allow you to feel pleasant sensations during sex on it, taking your pleasure and your partner´s to another level while the bed makes sinuous movements according to your preference. The Secret Cube is another of her novelties: a small cube that seems to be like any other piece of furniture in the house but, at the touch of a button becomes a chair that will allow you to experiment new positions and fantasies. We must say that they also have comfortable pillows to improve sexual positions as well as the exclusive Margarita Bonita Suite, located in a luxury hotel in Barcelona where you and your partner can fully enjoy all of these products. The showroom of Margarita Bonita is in the city centre of Barcelona. For more information, you can visit its official webpage, where you can also buy online if you wish so: http://www.margaritabonita.com/

Get apartments in Barcelona and discover this fascinating Spanish city. When it comes to eroticism and sensuality, in Barcelona you´ll find plenty of them and, without doubt, Margarita Bonita is a shop you must visit.