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Roman Landscapes in the Museo del Prado

The Prado Museum has had really interesting and relevant  expositions  but the one which is currently opened, called “Roma: Nature and Ideal. Landscapes. 1600-1650,” is according to its promoters  one of the most ambitious ones that recently have  been exposed and one which gathers more works related to the subject of the exposition than ever before.

landscapes <b>museo</b> <b>prado</b> madrid
The exhibition was previously at the Grand Palais in Paris and in Madrid now reaches one of the most important museums that will be presented from July 5th until September 25th. At it you will see more than one hundred works of which 83 are paintings and 19 drawings.

In the presentation there are some amazing works of incalculable value not only in relation to the theme of the expo, but also as far as artistic value is concerned. You will enjoy the works of Velázquez, Claude Lorrain, Poussin, Caravaggio, Raphael, Giorgione and Titian, among many others.

According to the curator of the presentation, Andres Ubeda, the show will be full of surprises and the  work “Marina” by artist Salvator Rosa, who was not exposed ever before will be there for your visual enjoyment

The only difference that exists with the presentation that  was held at the Grand Palais and the one held at the Museo del Prado is that the drawings presented are different due to  a conservation issue (they could not move locations without risk) Also in Madrid there is a section that did not exist in the French capital. The explanation of the the ordering by Philip IV of the elaboration of many landscapes that would be used to decorate the Buen Retiro Palace.

More information:


Museo del Prado: Calle Ruiz de Alarcón, 23, Madrid, 28014

MiLK Only-apartments AuthorMiLK

Those who want to enjoy some of the most important Roman artists and scenery from 1600 to 1650, the Prado Museum is the place to visit. You can rent apartments in Madrid and enjoy its wonderful galleries.

Marc Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Marc