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Le Coude Fou

The bistros, like many other places or locations in France, are part of the country´s culture and many of them are visited by many millions of people every year, not only because they´re traditional places where one can eat very well for a reduced price, but also because there you can enjoy the best local food.


One of the most famous and renown that still maintains that old school aspect that many lost along the years is Le Coude Fou which means “The mad elbow” in English, which is an expression used to describe a person who drinks too much alcohol (because they raise their elbow all the time).


This bistro is known for having one of the best food in Paris and, also, the best wines that you can get and, the first one will be pretty affordable but the latter won´t be as much because you´ll be able to choose among the best wines in the world.


Without doubt, if you´re interested in French culture, going to a bistro is an essential part where you´ll learn a lot about the culture, the food and the people that go to these places.


Le Coude Fou is one of the most important in the French capital and if you want, you can rent apartments in Paris and enjoy this beautiful place.