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Merci Merci Paris

The idea of Merci Merci emerged from the creators of Bonpoint, the favourite underwear clothes brand for babies and children of Western world mums.


When they sold their brand, Marie-France and Bernard Cohen decided that they had to bring their experience, time, skills and, of course, money to help the poor. And they got onto that job, but they didn´t just start up yet another charity shop, instead asking the different fashion designers to help out and make designs for Merci Merci.


The clothes are sold in the Parisian shop, whose address is on the right-hand column and whose benefits go entirely to different charity projects in the Third World, especially to Madagascar.


It´s fair trade understood in another way, because they make the most of the remaining resources in the West to use them in for the education of the unfortunate children.


The sensitized traveller can leave his luggage in the apartments in Paris that he´s managed to book and stock up with the designs at Merci Merci.


There´ll be someone who will be eternally grateful for having carried out such a wonderful gesture. We, starting now, applaud any purchase in this charity store.