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Occupy Wall Street in New York

Just hours after the confirmation of the death of Whitney Houston by the media and social networks, Sony, her record label who was in preparations of new releases by the singer, rose considerably the price of mp3´ of the artist. So, Sony inadvertently showed us once again the mask used by the American music industry to continue benefiting from their artists without the slightest hesitation or consideration. Nothing could be more alarming. Immediately, the voices of many were felt in Facebook and Twitter.

occupy <b>wall</b> strret

Thus, the music industry reveals its intentions with any artist: to exhaust it and consume it in its totality, even after his or her death. The phenomenon is not new. Much thought should be given after the death of Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson. Stars caught in the pop nets shine until they stop shining.

Whitney Houston´s death comes at a highly controversial moment both for social networking and for artists. Laws like SOUP and ACTA, seek only to control the flow of information in the network, under the pretext of protecting copyright in both the U.S. and Europe. These laws are nothing more than the efforts of repressive governments to keep internet users under control, while trying to erroneously prove that social networks actually are dangerous to the system. Today, if you´re a Twitter user or a Facebook one, you have the ability to send, re-send and report information in real time all over the world, and with these texts, images and questions, criticize, speak out and join multiple causes.

Occupy Wall Street movement, thus, has been calling thousands of people and continues to do so  from their accounts on both Facebook and Twitter. Many political movements in Europe use these means to learn and keep informed of international events but above all, more importantly, locally. It is recalled that the management of social networks exploded in the middle east with the first calls of the Egyptian Revolution, and the symptoms were spreading, online political activism owes a lot to it. It is also important to consider that it prohibits the sharing of files through Megaupload, Rapidshare, Mediafire or any other server, seeking to block the passage of information that goes beyond music, and contributes to the political activation of subjects worldwide. Despite this, and with every effort by the big companies that are run by the governments that want to stop the flow of information, this revolutionary new way of doing politics and is unstoppable. Any new restrictions will generate new technologies and new efforts to change the wave of general awareness and making further progress. follow Occupy Wall Street here: http://occupywallst.org/

Get apartments in New york and participates in the Occupy Wall Street movement. New York is a city of constant change. Be part of these changes on your computer and on every street in the world.