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Porgy and Bess Vienna

With this suggestive name, with the title of the most famous opera by the American George Gershwin, one of the most important jazz clubs in the old capital of the Austrian-Hungarian empire, Vienna, opens every night. As we´ve insisted in this guide, it´s a funny thing what tourist clichés do regarding cities. Of this beautiful city we know about the magnificent museums and its decorated streets in spring, its classical music orchestras and its Advent concerts, but few know about the important jazz musicians in this city.

And when we say jazz we don´t mean the most classic type, the one from Mississippi that sets the stage for the love and problems of Porgy & Bess. No. Here they offer the most traditional African-American music, without any contamination of new heterodox trends, in a relaxed, distinguished and orderly atmosphere.

You can book a table at this jazz club online, together with your flights, the apartments in Vienna the tickets for the museums and everything else that you need so that your trip here is a memorable one.