Yukio Mishima committed suicide by seppuku, a ritual also known as ´harakiri´, after writing his last novel The Decay of the Angel, which would culminate his tetralogy. It was considered as the peak of his ideology. He delivered it to his publisher and then went on to Japanese Army Headquarters, where he carried out his last action. For Mishima, the defeat of a Samurai Army which had the Emperor´s name engraved in their heart was the first sign of Japan´s decline. Precisely, Runaway horses, the in the second book from The Sea of Fertility tetralogy, the characters connect with this army to keep their spirit alive, on the fringes of the law.
The influence of the West, not only due to World War II, was a symbol of corruption at the time. However, the writer keeps many contradictions, because in he was actually fascinated by Western culture. His works have a strong Western influence; his own grandmother was a member of an Aristocracy which loved European culture and Mishima himself read the work of Rilke and Oscar Wilde.
Japanese Obsession
In the same manner that he was obsessed with the concept of West versus East, he was preoccupied with other controversies: body versus mind and theory versus practice. In his childhood, he was indoctrinated in an Aristocratic way, which stressed the importance of the mind’s development as opposed to the body cult. When he was declared unfit for military service during the war, after lying about his health condition, he felt guilty and weak.
This situation was translated into an urgent need to transform any idea in action. In order to convert theory in practice, Mishima began to exercise his body in a way that he never done in his youth, transforming his body at an old age in way he always wanted when he was young.
He took his criticism about State and Army to another level. Up to this point, Mishima had been fighting through his novels and ideas, but then he turned into a man of action: he founded the Tatenokai (Shield Society), just like his character from Runaway horses, who founded The Ligue of the Divine Wind.
With this measure, the writer pretends to reach the Japanese Army Headquarters, where he will read a manifesto intending to organize an insurrection in defence of the Emperor.
A Samurai’s dignity
To Samurais, Seppuku represents the highest proof of faithfulness to the Emperor, the symbol of Japan. Mishima and his compatriots from the Shield Society, believe that offering their bodies for the good of the country is necessary. But, unfortunately, Japan has changed, the Emperor has been pushed into the background and the Army is full of men without passion or ideals. Consequently, the only thing possible for Mishima and his entourage is a rebellion with no return.
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