The world wide web pampers us with numerous posibilities for jazzing up our lives. The so called social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Myspace and god knows how many others, are flooding cyberspace more and more. Whether to “just check my emails” or to “update my facebook profile”, so that all the world knows what I’m doing 24/7 or to download the newest CD from your favorite Newcommer Band, one of the most important inventions of humanity doesn’t only bring us entertainment and fun, but also provokes a lot of bad headaches. Why? Well, you certainly have asked yourself millions of times “Mmmmmm, what was my damn password?”
Nowadays, our daily life is getting more and more stressful. Whether at the town hall, in the supermarket or wherever, you are almost always asked to give them your telephone number, passport number or your bank account. It can be especially difficult for those who even have dificulties in remembering their own birth date. But that doesn´t mean that because of the lack of intellecutal capacity we can neglect our creativity while searching for a good password for use on the internet. Each day we hear about new viruses buzzing around the web, and we get informed about new hackers wanting to play an expensive trick on us. That´s exactly why we should make a greater effort in creating a secure password for our different web accounts.
Human nature is, to be quiet honest, very simple. Hence it isn’t surprising that ‘123456’ or ‘abc123’ belong to the most popular worldwide internet passwords. Why are you turning so red now? Well, you obviously haven´t been the only person with such a brilliant idea, eh? More than three million people use this complicated combination of numbers for their web accounts. Further popular passwords, used around the world, are ‘007’, ‘password’, ‘iloveyou’ and the less romantic version ‘f**ckyou’. The names of pets, partners, their own mother or the name of their favorite football club are very popular as well.
But how should your password be to make it imposible for hackers to crack it and avoid terrible headaches for you at the same time? Here are a few tips. It’s very important to choose a combination of letters and numbers and it should contain between 8 and 12 characters. For remembering it later on, you could also use some mnemonic devices. In this way you could think of a habitual sentence of your life and use the initial letter. Therefore, “I wake up at 9 o´clock in the morning, drink some coffee” will be transformed into “Iwua9oitm,dsc”. However, you should think of a very good sentence for memorizing.
Forget about complicated passwords and disconect from cyberspace for a while. Relax for a few days in one of the most enchanting european capitals. Rent some comfortable and password friendly apartments in Budapest and spend some fantastic days in Hungary.