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Vítor Pomar at CAM in Lisbon

On April 15, the CAM opens the exhibition “Nothing to do nowhere to go”, which will present the work of Portuguese artist Vítor Pomar.

victor <b>pomar</b> lisbon

For the first time the CAM in Lisbon will present the work of one of the most iconic artists of Portugal, Vítor Pomar born in Lisbon in 1949. In this exhibition entitled “Nothing to do nowhere to go”, which opens on April 15 and will remain on display until June 12 and where can see some of his most interesting works devised by the artist between 1974 and 2010. With a special emphasis on the visual side of his work the CAM will present video art and film works, which will be displayed in the “Multipurpose Room”.

Pomar studied at the Escola de Belas-Artes in Oporto, Portugal in 1966 and 1967. His first exhibition took place in the Gallery Guadrante in 1970, the same year he turned his back on his native country to live in Holland. And it was in the 70´s when Pomar began experimenting with visual media, which came to serve as a conceptual basis for artistic practice, which investigates the mutual infiltration between cinema and photography.

Pomar estudió en la Escola de Belas-Artes en Oporto, Portugal en el 1966 y 1967. Su primera exposiciòn tomò lugar en la Galeria Guadrante en 1970, en el mismo año que dió la espalda a su país natal para vivir en Holanda. Y también fue en los años 70 cuando Pomar empezó a experimentar con los medios audiovisuales, lo cual le llegó a servir como base conceptuale para su práctica artística, en la cual indaga sobre la infiltración mútua entre el cine y la fotografía.

For him, photography and cinema have in common a very important aspect that also would serve as a central part of his work: the impulse to document the reality and everyday life. Through his work not only does he explore the bond between these two media, but also the essence of this impulse. An exploration that has led to impressive photographic images and now 150 of them will be exhibited in the CAM, as well as his first film “R (for Random)” dated from 1980.

Further info: http://www.cam.gulbenkian.pt/index.php?article=71193&visual=2&langId=2

Heloise Battista Only-apartments AuthorHeloise Battista

Enjoy the Portuguese capital in spring and take the opportunity to see the Pomar’s work. Rent apartments in Lisbon and be inspired.?

Maria Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Maria