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The Most Popular Summer Sports




This is a form of surfing in which the wind is used to pull the surfer by kite. It has been popularized greatly in recent years and can be practiced on many beaches (Indonesia, Australia and South Africa, all have great kitesurfing areas) and lakes, if weather conditions are right.


You are most likely familiar with this one. It’s basically surfing meets sailing. In Spain, you can go to numerous beaches, including the Canary Islands (Fuerteventura is a good starting point). Some of the most famous spots around the world are Wellington (New Zealand), Lake Arenal (Costa Rica), Maui (which is known as the world capital of Windsurfing) or the island of Paros, Greece.

Paddle surfing

Paddle surfers are a bit like saltwater gondoliers, since the surfer uses a paddle to propel him or herself through the water. This can be done at a good number of beaches… all you need is arm strength!

Beach Volleyball

At all these beaches filled with surfers of all types, you may also see people playing beach volleyball. It is a good way to have fun while working out, with the advantage that when the sweat gets in your eyes, you can simply take a quick dip into the water and get right back on track. But you should know that it is harder than it looks!


Snorkeling is great since this form of diving doesn’t require a diving suit or oxygen tank because you only swim along on the surface of the water, using a tube to breathe. It’s a good idea for exploring the seabed near the coast, especially if the water is crystal clear.


This is an activity you can practice year round, of course, but it’s great to do in the open air in summer. There are parks in several cities that are full of people practicing yoga, tai chi or other disciplines. Practicing yoga is very healthy for both your body and your mind, and vacation is a great time to disconnect from the hectic pace of the world around us.

You already know it’s a good idea to keep working out during your summer vacation. If you rent an apartment near the beach, check out what activities are available and get your body moving. If, however, you rent an apartment in an urban destination, a bit of running in the morning is probably enough. You’ll feel like a new person when you return to work.


Reserve your apartment in Barcelona and enjoy some sports here during your vacation.