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Bastille Day in Paris, New York or New Orleans

“Is this a revolt?” asked Louis XVI to the Duque of Rochefoucauld, to which he replied:

 “No Sire, this is a revolution.”

With the intense passion flowing through the streets and the immense popularity this event gains, it´s no wonder we all know Bastille Day is closing in. With its intriguing decorum and vast diversity of visitors. Bastille Day is the place to be, especially if you´re a little bit of a Francophile.

Just for a little piece of history, Bastille Day, the 14th July marks the end of the French monarchy and the beginning of the French revolution. It all began when a brave group rebelled against the King and Queen and ensured their voices were heard!

Even the word Bastille comes from the French word Bastide, which means stronghold and it was only in 1880 that it was adopted as a National holiday.

For those who wish to know the origin of the French flag, the 3 colors of Blue, Red and White were introduced during the revolution and together represent the following: Liberty, equality and fraternity for its people.

Today, this day is celebrated far and wide. No longer just a French National day, this even is celebrated across the land and across the waters. You will find this day in France, various states of the USA including New York and New Orleans and even as far as Australia. There are Francophiles everywhere! So it´s no doubt this event is celebrated in style.

bastille day


Paris will give the greatest welcome to this celebration and will start with La Patrouille de France, a division of France´s air force firing action jets into the sky. With blue, red and white streaks across the sky, be sure to gaze up at the heavens on this fine morning. It will be a patriotic and heartwarming sight to see! The traditional military parade will mark the day with a parade at 11am, with more than 4000 police officers, soldiers, firefighters, military officials and cadets strolling marching along the famous Champs-Elyees sreet.

Take a tour of the city and find music at the Eiffel tower with more than 500,000 spectators for the biggest firework display. The National Orchestra of France will ensure they bring a tear to your eye as they pull at your heartstrings.

New York

As always, NYC will kick start this day with a bang. For over 10 years Bastille day has been the largest public celebration in NYC to commemorate the French Independence day. Find yourself an assortment of French foods, with an exotic culture and entertainment to spice up the day! Heighten your taste buds with crepes, cheeses, éclairs, macaroons and more on 60th street. This year will celebrate the biggest yet, with new activities far and wide across the city. Enjoy a glass of champagne in the skyroom or head along to FIAF and savor the selections of wines, beers and cocktails. Let us not forget about the cheeses of course. We can´t deny they will be just delightful!

Take your kids along to a free screening or pack up a picnic chocoblok full of gourmet foods and spend the day at the park. Celebrate with locals as they share their comedic stores of Bastille days past.

Taking place on 60th, between 5th avenue and Lexington Avenue. You will find bars, BBQs, concerts, activities for children and competitions with prizes that will send you to Paris if you win! Free access concerts and restaurants that will make you jump to your feet and dance along to the can-can.

New Orleans

With their own French quarter, New Orleans will be sure to give you a lasting experience. Just like NYC, New Orleans will give you an experience that will have you longing to come back. Make sure you’re dressed up to the nines, with pearls, gowns, feathers, glitter, national french colors as face paints, vibrant flags and more! You´ll find a fiesta on each and every street corner. Strangers will become loved ones on this day, as you fall hand in hand and dance along to the concerts and parade.

After all, Bastille day is not a day worth missing!