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Illuminazioni: the 54th Venice Biennale

With all the contradictions of contemporary art, a biennial involves nothing more than a business opportunity for networking where galleries compete for being the agents of any artist. Let it be said without hesitation: contemporary art is doing nothing for helping the current situation that pervades culture. May the word be read in capital letters: CRISIS. Although a significant part of the contemporary world wants to march in favor of gender equality, the fall of walls, the marginalized population and the problems between bordering countries, which are often reflected on numerous installations, videos and performances, not much happens.  And it is better not to mention the residency programs that cost a fortune. What they generate are artists who enter to a cultural market, sometimes without being aware of it. Thus, they do not have a significant impact on the society.

biennale <b>arts</b> venice

But before crisis pervaded us and before art came to an end, the Venice Biennale started around 1895, as an exhibition of international Avant-Garde, characterized by its interdisciplinary nature. For more than 100 years, it has been one of the most renowned cultural institutions in the world, which is constantly promoting new artistic trends, positioning important contemporary artists and organizing different events. Among the many events that The Venice Biennale host are the Film Festival, the Architecture Biennale, the Contemporary Music Biennale, the Theater Biennale and the Dance Biennale, comprising all the artistic fields.

This year, the Venice Biennale is accessible to the public from the 4th of June until the 27th of November at the Gardini and Arsenale pavilions, as in other locations around Venice. This year, the title of the exhibition is Illuminazioni (Illuminations) and it will feature more than 82 artists from all around the world. It will include 89 Italian performances, as well as 37 collateral events around the city, arranged by international institutions and organizations. Some of the countries that will participate for the first time are: Andorra, Bahrain, Haiti and Bangladesh. It is important to mention that there will be different educational activities during the five months, as well as lectures and seminars.

There are guided itineraries to facilitate the visit, as well as workshops for the visitors. Guided tours accompany the visitors through the exhibition spaces of the fair. Gguided visits are aimed mainly at adults. There will be complete itinerary visits or themed visits, according to the interests of each group of visitors. On the other hand, the workshops are aimed at all spectators, especially the educational programs for young people and children. Their main purpose is to stimulate the spectators’ interest in art and to promote their creativity. Thus, there are multimedia, theoretical, creative and didactical workshops. Correspondingly, if you are an artist, a curator or if you are involved in cultural management, undoubtedly the experience of the Venice Biennale is for you. Moreover, taking this trip is worth it, since you can visit this interesting exhibition in one of the most romantic cities in the world. For more information, visit the official webpage of the Venice Biennale: http://www.labiennale.org/.

SISTER RAY Only-apartments AuthorSISTER RAY

If you want to live the experience of the Venice Biennale, remember to book apartments in Venice From June to November you will be able to be part of it. There is nothing like attending the exhibition during the first days, because there will be more events, more people and an incomparable festive atmosphere. Make up your mind and come to Venice!

Hans Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Hans