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Ca´ Sento

Valencia is known for having a very important food-related culture and, if you want to visit some restaurants that maintain and respect the city´s tradition, one of the most important ones that you can find is a place called Ca´ Sento.


This Valencian restaurant which is hidden behind a discreet door in the district which is at the end of the Avenida del Puerto, called El Grau, possesses a decoration that incorporates cut up tree trunks and walls covered in irregular glass. It´s not the most elegant place in the world but it´s clean and friendly, and you´ll be able to enjoy a relaxed meal and exquisite dishes.


The chef, Raúl Aleixandre, is one of those risky people that presents both traditional dishes and contemporary kitchen ones. The most popular dishes of the place are those related to the sea, like caviar, seafood, fish and similar things.


Also, the menu offers some of the most important wines in the region and some of the international brands that, despite costing a little bit more than many would like, they are quite affordable.


You can rent apartments in Valencia and enjoy one of the most traditional restaurants in the city.