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Andalusian Center of Contemporanean Art of Seville CAAC

At the Centro Andaluz de Artes Contemporaneas (CAAC) in Seville. The exhibition “A test extending beyond the action” will soon open to everybody. This is the first retrospective exposition of K.P Brehmer who, was born in Berlin in Germany in 1938 and died in Hamburg in 1997.  This fantastic exhibition will begin on the31st of May and will last until the 12th of June.

caac seville

At the exhibition of this German artist, one of the most important exponents of pop art, -not only in his country, but all over the world-  you will be delighted with some of his most significant art pieces

On the other hand, Jessica Diamond will present her exhibition called “Murales” on the exterior of the Cartuja Monastery -which is one of the CAAC headquarters- and where you will be able to view numerous piecs of her art works. This singular female artist who created her own style in the eighties, uses language to express through her paintings her countless criticisms about  nowadays popular culture and generates with her art  a direct energetic message filled with individuality that very little artists are capable of achieving in their life time

Finally CAAC will also present the exposition “Prensadas“of Inmaculada Salinas, who, just as the previous expostion we mentioned,  will have a period of visitation up until the 12th of June. Here we can see the latest art pieces of Inmaculada  and can enjoy her paintings which have  a more ideological content as seen in paintings like “Espejo” “Prensada“Como Fondo” and “Visión de las vencidas

More Info: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/caac/programa/ex_act.htm

Centro Andaluz de Artes Contemporáneo: Av. Américo Vespucio, 2 Camino de los Descubrimientos, s/n, 41092 Sevilla



MiLK Only-apartments AuthorMiLK

Now it´s a good time to visit the Andalusian Center for Contemporary Arts if you want to know not only a beautiful city with many tourist spots to enjoy but also to meet Brehmer, Diamond and Salinas. If you want to attend the exhibitions of the CAAC you could rent Seville accommodation and not miss this opportunity.

Marc Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Marc