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Casa Batlló

In Barcelona, Antoni Gaudí left his mark in buildings that are distributed around the city. One of them is Casa Batlló, built in 1877, but remodelled by the Catalan architect in 1904.


The old building was boring and graceless so, when Gaudí remodelled it, it changed completely and it transformed into one of the most famous and recognized works of the modernist movement.


The project was ordered by the owner of the household, the businessman Josep Batlló, who gave Antoni Gaudí absolute freedom to modify it how he pleased. That way, the unconventional style of the Catalan created a new house for the Batlló family to live in.


What Gaudí adds to the old building are the balconies (fundemental parts of this work), galleries, the attic and two more floors. And to all of them, as well as to every room in the house, he gave them their own particular style, sticking coloured tiles on the walls and melting broken glass to decorate. He used conventional materials such as stone and iron but his technique was what made it different, eccentric and marvellous.


There isn´t a tourist who doesn´t walk past Casa Batlló without being impressed by the occurances of the author. It´s a unique piece of architecture that was declared part of the World Heritage by UNESCO. If you want to visit it and not miss out on all its details, rent apartments in Barcelona and check out the marvellous world of Gaudí.