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Patrick Wolf in Istanbul

Patrick Wolf

There´s not a lot to say about this unique musician (for the conjunction of his adult ways, his exquisite music and his boyish face, since he´s only in his 20s) that hasn´t been said in forums of the Web 2.0. We´re facing one of the musical revelations of the 21st century and we have to go on this premise.


Wolf´s songs, since the singer has gone through regulated studies with conservatory masters due to his chaotic child education, show not only a rebel spirit but also the child prodigy that still lives on inside him. The singer/songwriter, after the scare that he gave his fans on the social networks in 2007 saying that he was retiring, is back with a new album with a title which is as suggestive as it is revealing: ´Lupercalia´, bringing back the love of the wolf, the blood and the animal-human transformations that were announced in his first album, ´Lycanthropy´ (2003).


And what importance does the name of his fifth album have? Well, quite a bit actually because it´s a reference to pagan festivals of adult life initiation. Allow me to explain it better. During the early centuries of the Roman Empire, every 15th of February, rites of passage were celebrated in which the young hunting victors, after smearing themselves with animal blood and with the consent of the priests of the temple, entered civil life as adults with fill rights, with all the prerogatives and duties that being an adult brought.

In those festivals they sacrificed dogs (the same ones we can see on the album cover) and goats, and they prayed for prosperous fertility. In one way or another, the ritual has survived and turned into what today is St Valentine´s. In a much more sugar-coated and materialist way, of course. 

After his break from the stages, it seems like Patrick Wolf is back after having participated in an ancient ´lupercalia´: with the serenity that comes from mature creation. However, let´s not forget that we´re facing his fifth album and, despite the young age of the musician, five albums are a lot.

Even though I´ve put the YouTube video of the first single, ´The City´, which has circa 1 million hits, another of his videos, ´Brumalia´, also mentions the pagan rituals of initiation, these ones being of the winter solstice, when the days have less sunshine (depending on the year, between the 22nd and the 24th of December).

Salon iKSV

The concerts in Istanbul (3rd and 4th of May) will take place at the Salon iKSV, a versatile venue that stages theatre plays, film screenings, art or design exhibitions or live music. Here´s the link of the website where you can buy tickets online with student discounts of up to 40%. http://www.saloniksv.com/tr/etkinlik/80/patrick-wolf

If you want to enjoy one of Patrick Wolf´s concerts, remember that there are apartments in Istanbul to rent for short stays at a great price. If you share it with friends, fun and saving money are guaranteed.