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Delacroix exhibition Barcelona

One of the main figures of romanticism, renovator of the classic style and revolutionary artist, Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix, the French painter from the early 20th century, is the artist that this exhibition at the CaixaForum focuses on, which after its stop in Madrid is now in Barcelona.

delacroix exhibition barcelona

The importance of Delacroix is in his unique way of seeing and feeling art, which took him to face the hard rules of neoclassic art and to become the father of romanticism, inspiring many important artists after him in the first few decades of the 20th century. Delacroix was, therefore, a groundbreaking artist, who despite having been formed inside the neoclassic movement, he managed to capture revolutionary ideas of an imagination enriched by writing, especially poetry and music, which he admired a lot. In the exhibition we can see over 100 works by the artist, mostly paintings and lithographies, that have been sent from around the world for this exhibition. Among these we can find his most famous works, such as ´The Women of Algiers´ and ´Greece on the ruins of Missolonghi´, the latter coming from the permanent exhibition at the Fine Arts Museum in Bordeaux. It´s the biggest exhibition to ever take place in Spain of the painter, after its stay in Madrid, which was a huge success. In the exhibition, there are also his famous paintings made in North Africa.

The exhibition, which has almost all the works of the artist, was inaugurated in Barcelona on the 15th of February at CaixaForum, thanks to an agreement of collaboration between Obra Social La Caixa and the Louvre Museum. Such is the importance of this exhibition that it has loaned paintings from the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the National Gallery in London and the Art Institute in Chicago.

For more information visit:  http://obrasocial.lacaixa.es/nuestroscentros/caixaforumbarcelona/eugenedelacroix_es.html

If you couldn´t see the exhibition on Delacroix in Madrid, it´s time to rent apartments in Barcelona and visit it here. Remember that it´s almost the complete works of the artist.