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Add Some Scent to your Life

Smell, taste and sight come together on April 11th along the Grand Canal of Milan for an event that marks the arrival of spring: Fiori e Sapori – Flowers and flavours. This annual exhibition unites more than 200 growers and florists to pleasure your senses! This is a great opportunity to discuss the energy that flowers transmit in our daily life, our relationships and our food …


Flowers are never out of fashion
It’s always a pleasure to receive a colorful bouquet of roses, to look for that nice vase we almost never use, cut the stems if necessary and – above all – find a nice place to put them (out of reach of the children and/or cats), so we can enjoy them every day for as long as they last. Some flowers can really change the atmosphere of a room because they spread joy, love and beauty. Never doubt in giving flowers to your loved ones, but pick the type and color carefully, because the symbolism of these jewels of nature is not always positive.

The symbolism of flowers
There are a lot of stories and legends which contribute certain properties and meanings to each flower, as well as recommend which flower conveys what emotion. Among the more passionate varieties is the orchid, which represents the worship of a person, gentleness and beauty. In Chinese culture, giving a carnation expresses a desire for marriage. In Buddhism, the lotus flower symbolizes the four main virtues -smoothness, cleanliness, warmth and fragrance – which are compared with the virtues of the kingdom of Dharma (one of the Three Treasures or Three Jewels of Buddhism).

In France, the first of May is the day the Mayflower, which brings luck and a good harvest: health, love and money. Jasmine means sensuality, red camellia recognition or a compliment, the yellow acacia stands for secret love, while the red tulip is a declaration of love. Among the flowers with negative connotations, watch out for the jealousy and infidelity that come with yellow roses, or the hydrangea that transmits coldness and indifference. If someone around you could use some extra energy or strength, give him/her a mini cactus! And don’t forget about the bonsai, the typical Japanese miniature trees. These are just a few; you can imagine how many secrets are still kept. Discover them!

Cooking with flowers
You don’t have to be a great chef to cook with flowers, it’s fairly easy. The golden rule: don’t ever consume flowers from the florist, they contain toxic preservatives to keep them longer fresh. You can buy them at herbalists, greenhouses, specialized florists on the market of Milan for example! With flowers, you can cook the best summer salad you’ve ever tasted! Throw some freshly cut rose petals into a frying pan, without oil, and sprinkle them with sugar. Delicious in fruit salads! The flowers of Jasmine are widely used in Indonesia, for example to perfume chicken dishes. Even violets are perfectly edible, fresh or dried; use them to bake a delicious omelette.

Flowers are so much more than just decoration, they inspire artists, feed our emotions and reinvent our senses. Fiori e Sapori is the perfect event to discover the secrets of flowers and plants. Rent the apartments in Milan, cheap and comfortable, and I guarantee you a holiday filled with colors, perfumes and flavors.