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The journey to happiness, love and the power of the mind

Eduardo Punset is a versatile Barcelona born writer lawyer, economist, professor, philosopher, scientist, and documentary film director and minister, born at the beginning of the Spanish civil war in 1936.  He is described as an innate fighter for his teachings about love, happiness and consciousness about what makes our lives easier. Recently he finished his trilogy: “Journey to love”, “Journey to happiness” and, to complete the series: “Journey to the power of the mind”.

In his journey to happiness Punset has discovered how fortunate we are to have more than 40 years to live. A hundred years ago life expectancy was around 30 years, which is just enough to survive and procreate. Nowadays the vast majority of us don´t have to fight for basic needs. Thus we have enough time to worry about ourselves. Punset even dared to elaborate a mathematic formula for happiness:

F= E(M+B+P) / FR+CH

Which means: Happiness= Emotions multiplied by the sum of maintenance+searching+relationships divided by the sum of reductive factors+ hereditary problems

Up until now love has been considered as almost a magic response by literature and morality. But in the present day we know that love has also evolutionary and biological reasons. The incredible technological progress of the last few years has allowed science to do research about love. Most of us have been – or are still- in love and still we don’t know the chemical and biological factors that produce this feeling. The truth is that it is much easier to make love than war.

In his journey to the power of the mind Punset has discovered our inner selves. Through our minds we have to “unlearn” the “I.” We can force our brain to make up its mind even though it doesn’t want to. Our irrational part of the brain is as important, or even more important that our rational part. So this means that now I don’t have to always trust my brain but rather re-educate it and make it “unlearn” almost everything it has been taught in the past.

Punset tries to unveil the great mysteries that have always preoccupied humanity. But he has a very scientific and still friendly approach to answering these questions. And probably that’s the reason for the success of his teachings, and the fact that his books have been translated into various languages and have been read by millions of people. Punset draws the image of an ideal society, governed by love and good intentions. And as long as love still exists there is still hope.

With this trilogy Punset has taught us that happiness can be found, that love can be rational and that we must get to know ourselves and get in touch with the inner self.

So if you want to experience the 40 years that Punset has given us and want to get to know the amazing land that has inspired this great writer, rent apartments in Barcelona and get inspired?