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La Sucursal

Housed closed to the Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM) (Valencian Institute of Modern Art), this restaurant is located in the Barrio Antiguo in the old town.


The place possesses a very minimalistic decoraton and invites its visitors to enjoy one of the most innovative food that there are in Valencia, and impress them with a wine list with regional and international wines that will surprise more than one, and thrill its palate.


The chef of La Sucursal is known in the world of food for his rice dishes prepared in different ways. One of the most famous is his paella mixed with bread, which is truly exquisite.


Another of the specialities is the risotto with lobster which is made with seasoned pieces of it with saffron and paprika. But there are also many stranger ones like the carpaccio made out of deer or the octopus pie with fresh herbs.


Being one of the most famous in the city, the prices of the dishes aren´t the cheapest but there are some, if you want to go out without spending a lot, that are pretty affordable.


You can enjoy one of the best meals in the city renting apartments in Valencia