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Last Words

Let´s look back at the last words of some of our key cultural figures – such as Beethoven, who from his deathbed, shortly before leaving this world, said “Friends applaud, the comedy is over.” French writer Francois Rabelais´ last words were similar: “Draw the curtain, the farce is over.”

ultimas palabras

Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone whilst experimenting with listening devices (his mother and wife were deaf) was brief in his final hours – to his wife´s plea of “don´t leave me,” came the reply “no.” Lord Byron, English poet, spared any detail, deciding to depart as though any other night, with the words “Good night.” Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States, apparently felt the same way as Byron, simply saying “Turn out the light,” just before he died. On the contrary, German novelist Wolfgang von Goethe felt that it was too dark, exclaiming “Light, more light!”

Russian writer Tolstoy´s last words were in the form of a riddle; “Even in the valley of the shadow of death, two and two do not make six.” One person who left in more dramatic style was fellow Russian writer Anton Chekhov. The doctor had barely arrived at an ill Chekhov´s side, when he said “I´m dying.” When the doctor sent orders for an oxygen tank, the writer said “It´s no use, by the time they bring it, I´ll be dead.” So the doctor quickly changed the order to a bottle of champagne instead – which Chekhov accepted, saying “It´s been ages since I drank champagne.” He emptied the glass, retired to bed, and stopped breathing shortly after. Great last words from somebody who ended life with a glass in his hand.



Carlos Rosas Only-apartments AuthorCarlos Rosas

Find Lisbon accommodation and discover one of our most beautiful cities – a land of artists and spectacle. The show must go on.

Poppy Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Poppy