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Loutky Puppets Prague

Even though in the last few years the prices have gone up in the whole of the Czech Republic, there are still at an acceptable level for the European pocket. Even if Prague isn´t a regular destination for shopping, it is an ideal place to stock up with handmade products (like its exquisite Bohemian glass) at a more reasonable price. The traveller who is in Prague cannot miss out on going up the steep steps of its castle or walking around the Charles Bridge or enjoying the sun (if it´s in season and he´s able to) on the shores of the Vltava river, so majestic that it was worthy of the famous and beautiful homonymous composition by Smetana (in the poem ´My land´), but cannot leave the city without purchasing one of the beautiful wooden puppets.

At Loutky they have these puppets (which aren´t toys for children but rather collectors items) of all types and at all prices. Even though the classic ones or old ones, representing demons or witches, are priced over 500 euros, there are more affordable models for only 20 or 30 euros. They have beautiful designs of Pinocchio or the ones labelled strange. The puppet theatres are very popular around the Czech Republic and you can start one yourself in your apartments in Prague with the ones designed by Loutky.