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Maritime Museum

The Maritime Museum of Barcelona, which is situated in the building of Atarazanas Reales which was used for naval contruction in between the 13th and 18th centuries, is without doubt one of the sites that you have to visit if you are in the city.


The museum, after having serious problems with funding during the Spanish Civil War in 1936, finally opened its doors in 1941 and is one of the most important and relevant museums in the city today.


The museum is Gothic style because it was built in between 1283 and 1328 and the second one between 1328 and 1390 so everything that is there is pure history. From the walls to its ships.


The rooms that make up the museum are the Jaume I, Roger de Lauria, Luis de Requesens (these are the first that you see when you go into the site), Capmany, Pedro el Cerimonioso, Ramon Llull, Art Popular and Marqués de Comillas.


At the site, aside from being able to enjoy real-sized replicas of ships from that time, we can also observe vessels, anchors, weapons and pieces of artillery like one called “La Pantera” which belonged to Francisco III of Módena.


If you are a lover of the history of vessels, ships and everything related with the sea, the Maritime Museum is a place that you can´t not visit. You can hire apartments in Barcelona and not allow this chance to escape.