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Market of Miracles in Venice

Our fixation of antiques is really curious. We´re always exposed to new objects that surround us, to fulfill a use and then let them go, without it being too important where they came from or what purpose they had. The velocity of today´s consumption makes that products, tools and objects that we consume are of easy movement so we can get rid of them easier and without too much insistence.

market <b>miracles</b> venice

Things, now more than ever, could be made not to perish but, however, the demands of the international market in all its aspects, makes us consume quicker and in bigger quantities, because we have to keep ´recycling´ materials. Despite that, the need for natural resources has also grown and the computer that you bought two years ago, possibly, instead of being updated, renovated or improved, is thrown in the street waiting for the bin man to come and take it away. But an object fills with meaning with its use, with the benefits that it gives us, with what it tries to do at home and with what happens around it and its history. Fetishes aren´t necessarily of erotic connotations, but also of emotional value, which go with everyone´s personal history.

And there´s no other option. When it comes to computers, televisions, audio or video players, every year there´s the appearance of new formats, new prices, new image resolutions and everything ´un-updates´ itself at high speed. This is no coincidence, his isn´t technological advance, this isn´t the great ´advance´ of science to bring us better and more efficient products: technology and science are conditioned by a hungry market for  which they have to keep producing more and better of everything, because next year is coming up and one can´t ben without the new mobile phone, without the new television, without the newest film on DVD, in some format that´s better than blu-ray. We just have to close our eyes to think about the next few scams… or, even better put, new ´great offers´ when it comes to items and furniture for the upcoming year.

But, what happened with everything that you grandmother used? Where did all those things go? Today, the interest for antiques is growing, as well as the amount of collectors. This way, both on eBay as in other webpages you can find auctions of all types of products: old machines, irons, utensils, dishes… However, if you´re a romantic for antiques, the Market of Miracles in Venice will take over your heart. The most interesting thing about this market is that it´s organized by sellers that aren´t professionals, people like you that for their love for antiques, try to share some of the most incredible findings in such an old city like Venice.

Alexa Ray Only-apartments AuthorAlexa Ray

Don´t miss out on getting apartments in Venice and visit the Market of Miracles. Surely a dream place if you like antiques, fascinating and extravagant gifts, and the chance to meet people like you that have converted their consumer experience into a near-archeological action.

aleixgwilliam Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: aleixgwilliam