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New National Gallery of Berlin

The New National Gallery of Berlin is a museum that was designed by the well-known architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, which is located in the Tierarten area, one of the most important parks in Germany.


The museum was inaugurated in 1968 and it´s dedicated to, if mainly but not exclusively, to 20th century art and it has some of the most important expressionist and cubist art works in the world. In its galleries you can enjoy works by Klee, Munch, Kandinsky and no less than Pablo Picasso, among others.


The museum, that was the last work of the architect van der Rohe in Germany, considered one of the most important of its time, has a very open construction which is considered a work of art in itself and despite that the whole lighting of the place is natural, the temporary exhibitions that take place in the museum are located in the galleries that it has underground.


If you´re an art lover and, above all, the most important paintings and artists of the 20th century, you must visit the New National Gallery. For that, you don´t have to do much more than rent apartments in Berlin