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Kings of Convenience concert in Amsterdam

On the 7th and 8th of April, the Norwegian indie pop duo Kings of Convenience are going to be playing at Paradiso in Amsterdam. On this occasion their two concerts will be different; the first one will take place in the main room and their repertoire will be focused on their greatest hits, so everyone can sing along and dance to them, and the second one will be in a smaller room with a more intimate atmosphere and their songs will be the most popular ones but also the lesser known ones, so both concerts will be complementing each other. The duo is formed by Erlend Øye and Eirik Glambek Bøe, born in Bergen, Norway. The band was born naturally from friendship and their mutual taste for the same music.  Øye and Bøe have known each other since childhood and had previously formed a band with other friends, even recording an LP. Their music is made up of acoustic guitars, occasionally with added pianos or chord instruments that give their songs more depth. Their sounds are highly influenced by Simon & Garfunkel, who shaped the 60s generation with music coming predominantly from guitars and vocals. They also have some influence from Belle & Sebastian, with some slight Bossa Nova twists that we can hear in their guitars. In 1999 they signed their first contract with the American independent label Kindercore. After this, they settled in London and recorded their first album, ´Quiet is the New Loud´, which had relative success. In 2001 they edited their first remix album, ´Versus´, where artists such as Ladytron, Röyksopp, Four Tet, Alfie and many...

Concert of the Jacuzzi Boys in Berlin

On April 9, the pop band Jacuzzi Boys, will perform to promote their new album Glazin, gone on sale in August 2011 at the Comet in Berlin. Jacuzzi Boys is an interesting indie pop mainstream music band. Their music is reminiscent of sixties rock, they have something unique from the sound of The Beatles in their early stage, that captivates the essentially feminine audience, perhaps due to the warmth of their songs Formed by guitarist Gabriel Alcala, drummer Diego Monasteri and bassist Danny Gonzalez in Miami in 2007 they quickly reached the public´s preferences because of that garage rock band flavor of the 60´s they had, along with an important musical imprint that differentiates them from other similar groups and that makes them a great XXI century product The first to start this adventure were Gabriel and Diego, who insisting on finding a different band, decided to board Danny Gonzalez´s project, who provided tonal richness and complemented the work Monasteri and Alcalá had begun to develop, thus Jacuzzi Boys definitely formed. The newly formed trio caught the attention of an indie music label in Orlando Florida. From that moment they became a musical revelation, admired by young women, kids  and an older audience who enjoyed the rock sound of this group and are only looking for some good music to dance to. Until now, these “guys from the south”, as they are called in the media when referring to the city they are from, Miami, have managed to enter furiously the U.S. market of music, performing successful concerts, especially in Miami where they have positioned themselves as the most famous...

Frank Turner in concert in Amsterdam

On the 5th of April, Paradiso in Amsterdam will host the English singer Frank Turner in concert. It´s part of his 2012 tour, which promises to be a great meeting with his fans, since the tickets are going quickly and the fans are already packing their bags. Frank Turner, also known as ´Dave´, was born in Meonstoke, Winchester, in 1981. He studied at Eton and in the London School of Economics. Born in a wealthy and traditional family, he quickly became interested in music, especially in composing songs and managing to produce special sounds with his guitar. Despite his beginnings in music go back to a band from his school that dissolved in 2001, with which he played concerts, toured and recorded with, his true musical career began that same year with the band Million Dead, thanks to the invitation of the bass player Ben Dawson. In 2005 the band broke up due to irreconcilable differences and therefore Turner was back on his own again. He had already tried to work solo when he recorded with Smalltown America, a London-based independent record label, so without a band he began to see this alternative as a certain possibility of getting into the music industry in a professional way. As he put it in an interview, “it seemed the most logical thing… trying out playing these songs more publicly and in a more arranged way”. After an EP with the fusion rock band Reuben, in 2006 the EP ´Campfire Punkrock´ was released by the hand of Xtra Mile Recording. That same year Xtra Mile Recordng in the UK and Welcome Home Records...

Occupy Wall Street in New York

Just hours after the confirmation of the death of Whitney Houston by the media and social networks, Sony, her record label who was in preparations of new releases by the singer, rose considerably the price of mp3´ of the artist. So, Sony inadvertently showed us once again the mask used by the American music industry to continue benefiting from their artists without the slightest hesitation or consideration. Nothing could be more alarming. Immediately, the voices of many were felt in Facebook and Twitter. Thus, the music industry reveals its intentions with any artist: to exhaust it and consume it in its totality, even after his or her death. The phenomenon is not new. Much thought should be given after the death of Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson. Stars caught in the pop nets shine until they stop shining. Whitney Houston´s death comes at a highly controversial moment both for social networking and for artists. Laws like SOUP and ACTA, seek only to control the flow of information in the network, under the pretext of protecting copyright in both the U.S. and Europe. These laws are nothing more than the efforts of repressive governments to keep internet users under control, while trying to erroneously prove that social networks actually are dangerous to the system. Today, if you´re a Twitter user or a Facebook one, you have the ability to send, re-send and report information in real time all over the world, and with these texts, images and questions, criticize, speak out and join multiple causes. Occupy Wall Street movement, thus, has been calling thousands of people and continues to do...

Pete Murray concert in Amsterdam

The great Australian singer and musician Pete Murray will perform a concert at Paradiso in Amsterdam on the 10th of April. This concert will be a reunion with his fans that have always brought him to very good positions in the music charts. The singer will promote his new album Blue Sky Blue during this event. Pete Murray was born in Australia in 1969. During his childhood and adolescence was a sportsman who practiced rugby, athletics and swimming with no interest in music. Only when he was 22, he began learning to play guitar. His compulsive nature led him to study guitar and singing with determination, he started to perform at barbecues and private parties. However, his intention was to study medicine in college, so he put his studies first. Due to his great talent, his relatives insisted him to try to play professionally; he began to do so in bars and small festivals. He toured around Australia with the flutist Col Mc Intyre, they became friends founded a band with keyboardist Ben Mc Carthy, who still works with him. In 2002, he released his first independent album called The Game and settled in Melbourne to take his musical career to the next level. The following year he signed a contract with Sony BMG Australia and began a meteoric career. His career began with such success that the first album Feeler, launched in 2003, made it to the top of sales of the moment. His second album See The Sun achieved the same success as his first and remained on the charts for weeks. His name became a sign...

Delacroix exhibition Barcelona

One of the main figures of romanticism, renovator of the classic style and revolutionary artist, Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix, the French painter from the early 20th century, is the artist that this exhibition at the CaixaForum focuses on, which after its stop in Madrid is now in Barcelona. The importance of Delacroix is in his unique way of seeing and feeling art, which took him to face the hard rules of neoclassic art and to become the father of romanticism, inspiring many important artists after him in the first few decades of the 20th century. Delacroix was, therefore, a groundbreaking artist, who despite having been formed inside the neoclassic movement, he managed to capture revolutionary ideas of an imagination enriched by writing, especially poetry and music, which he admired a lot. In the exhibition we can see over 100 works by the artist, mostly paintings and lithographies, that have been sent from around the world for this exhibition. Among these we can find his most famous works, such as ´The Women of Algiers´ and ´Greece on the ruins of Missolonghi´, the latter coming from the permanent exhibition at the Fine Arts Museum in Bordeaux. It´s the biggest exhibition to ever take place in Spain of the painter, after its stay in Madrid, which was a huge success. In the exhibition, there are also his famous paintings made in North Africa. The exhibition, which has almost all the works of the artist, was inaugurated in Barcelona on the 15th of February at CaixaForum, thanks to an agreement of collaboration between Obra Social La Caixa and the Louvre Museum. Such is...

Let’s go crazy, it smells like flowers

A wise man once said that to feel young, one has to have more projects than memories. It´s the projects and the dreams to carry them out that keep us alive and even, sometimes, happy. Until 10th of April 2012 take advantage of our last minute offer for Easter getting a 5 % discount in all of our apartments during the first 10th days of April. All you need to do is decide where you want to go and enter the following promo code into the required field: **PC7W3NEEE31D** At Only-apartments we believe that it´s fair and necessary that all of us have these dreams. For that, we give you all the facilities you need to go out and see the world, unwind, break up your routine or simply go out and party with your friends far from home, whichever one is easiest for you. As you know, every month we offer a discount in all of our apartments for a few days, so make the most of it and book your trip until the 10th of April and save 5% on the price of any of the apartments that we have around the world. Maria Climent It doesn´t matter where you want to be, it doesn´t matter if it´s in any of the apartments in Barcelona London or Prague. The important thing is that, every now and then, you want to be someplace else and we want to make it easy for you. Let spring draw you...

Museo del Barrio en Nueva York

The activity of the Latino community in New York is intense. Undoubtedly, Latin Americans have a major presence within the United States in general, and especially in a city like New York, which has always been a benchmark for continuing migration to the United States. New York gathered Latin Americans from all latitudes like, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Cuba, among many others coming from Spanish-speaking countries. Several generations of Latin Americans have made the city of New York their own city. And in New York, nationalities and races mingle, coexist and merge. Of course there are some tensions and frictions between communities, however, the “political correctness” characteristic of a city like New York makes the coexistence among Hispanics, Jews, Chinese, black, white, green, blue, and all colors possible, for a particular affection for the city itself, that binds and becomes part of a genuine cosmopolitan and modern. Speaking of Latino culture in New York would be like touring around many readings, songs and infinite dances. Many Latin American artists made and make New York their home and center their creation to the world. Undoubtedly, despite the global economic crisis, New York remains to be a major center of art trade, offering countless galleries and museums that serve as windows for new artists to the world. Similarly, as part of a general trend, many museums focus on rescuing the work recently carried out in countries that have resulted from the colonies of the West. It should be however noted, that the Museo del Barrio has an undeniable importance in the dissemination of Latin American...

Eccentric museums in Barcelona

The cultural, architectural and artistic offers in Barcelona are well known, particularly seductive and plentiful. However, with their sophisticated and internationally renowned museums, galleries and buildings, the city is also rich in unique museum attractions characterized by an eccentricity stimulant that will delight those looking for the less used or publicized faces of the city. We could perhaps call them museums for those who don’t usually like museums, if it was such holder that falls somewhere in that particular unhealthy cliché. Such is the case for example, of the recently opened Museum Miba or http://www.mibamuseum.com/ that with ideas and Inventions with inspiration and enthusiasm that greets the visitor with the words painted on the wall of the entrance, “All is not invented. ” Perhaps the most interesting aspect about this amazing place, where constantly we go through breathtaking journeys from the ridiculous to the sublime, while discovering devices such as pots that move alone in search of sunlight or pads that are also sometimes remote control is the way it explores the blurred, uncertain boundaries between the absurd and great ideas. No less remarkable is the famous Museu de L´Erotica, first museum dedicated to art and culture of eroticism in Spanish, which approaches to the seductive through the exhibition of more than eight hundred items of considerable historical value and from a transversal approach which includes disciplines such as, literature, art, archeology, history, anthropology, food, film and antiques. It also houses a permanent exhibition of erotic art, which are works by artists known and admired worldwide. With the entrance the visitor is entitled to a free drink. Nor could...

Outlets in New York

Take a look at the best outlets in New York so that your economy doesn’t suffer and you only have good memories of your trip to the capital of the world.