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Picasso and his years in Paris

The Museu Picasso in Barcelona exhibits from the first of July to October 16th the exhibition “Devour Paris. Picasso 1900-1907,” which as its name implies, shows the artist´s evolution since his arrival in the French city. The presentation was organized by both the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands and by the Spanish Cultural Action along with Endesa as a sponsor.

picasso paris

Picasso arrived in Paris in 1900 and almost a decade later, managed to obtain massive attention as a leading avant-garde artist in the city settling as the forefront artist of that movement.

During this time the man from Malaga had a chance to see the works of Gauguin, Puvis de Chavannes, Van Gogh, Steinlen, Toulouse-Lautrec and Rodin among others. As expected, seeing  all of these great artists created a huge change in the head of the Spanish Painter who incorporated in his art many of the features that the before mentioned artists had utilized. Due to this reason Picasso explored many new techniques.

In “Devour Paris. Picasso 1900-1907″ you can observe no less than 50 works of the Spanish artist fabricated ??through different techniques and, as if this were not enough, 47 other paintings by some of the most important artists of history as Cézanne Van Gogh and Rodin, among others. The idea behind this is not only enjoy them but see what Picasso took from those masters into his own art and how his style evolved through his years in Paris.

Van Gogh was one of the few artists which he declared his admiration and respect for. That´s exactly why you see so much influence from the Dutch in the work of Picasso, and through the 11 paintings that show the man in Zundert, this distinction may substantially be noticed

More information: http://www.bcn.cat/museupicasso/ca/exposicions/encurs.html

Museu Picasso: Montcada, 15-23, 08003 Barcelona, España

MiLK Only-apartments AuthorMiLK

If you want to enjoy an exhibition where you can follow the progress of one of the most important artists in history, rent apartments in Barcelona and enjoy “Devour Paris. Picasso 1900-1907.”

Marc Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Marc