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Poldi Pezzoli Museum

The Poldi Pezzoli Museum, located in Milan, was founded in 1881 by Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli for his large and diverse art collections and works of great value. Thanks to all the works that he possessed, this place, which was damaged during the Second World War, became a majorly important museum not only in Italy but around the world.


In the golden room you can admire Nicola da Tolentino by the artist Piero della Francesca, Portrait of a Woman by Pollalolo, La Madonna with the boy by Mantegna or Il lamento di Cristo by no other than Botticelli.


As well as having in its galleries some of the most pictorial Italian works from 1400 until 1700, you can also admire in the place furniture, carpets, jewels, clocks and even weapons from Roman times in the year 700.


You can see the armory and a series of 3359 volumes of press that go from the 15th century until the 19th. The route that the audioguide presents is bilingual and this allows all visitors to enjoy the tour without language barriers.


You can enjoy one of the most interesting museums in the Italian city but, for that, you will have to rent apartments in Milan and see its interesting galleries.