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Roman Theatre

The Roman Theatre, located next to the Alcazaba, is one of the most important and visited monuments of the Spanish city, not only for its history but also for its beauty.


The Roman Theatre was built in the 2nd century but it was abandoned in the 3rd century. Luckily, the theatre, although abandoned, wasn´t knocked down and it wasn´t until 1951 that it was discovered because it had been buried and was completely hidden.


The place was found because the constructions of the Casa de Cultura and the Archivo and Biblioteca Municipal (Local Library) were taking place. If it hadn´t been for them, it would still be there waiting to be found.


The visit to the Theatre has a duration of approximately 30 minutes because the remains that are still there, have a radius of 31 metres and are 16 metres high. There´s also the Orchestra which is the lowest part of the stands where the more important people from that ancient society sat and the stage where the performances took place.


This construction, ancient like few, is one of the most important in the city and you can see the monument renting apartments in Málaga.