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Romics: The Rome Comic Festival

From the 29th of september, to the 2nd of the october 2011, the Romics festival of comics and animation cinema takes places at Fiera Rome. This year, the event celebrates 11 years, continuing to a national and international reference point for all fans and aficionados of videogames, Japanese fantasy and live music.



Thousands of companies specialising in the comic sector will be there especially to reveal all the latest news and trends of Japanese animation – publishers, specialist bookshops, collectors, video game companies, etc. Moreover, the programme of the Italian conference is highly international, with exhibitions, concerts, meetings, competitions, activities for kids, and much much more.

In 2010, three artists from the comic world were awarded special Romics recognition; the Japanese manga legend, creator of Lady Oscar, and soprano singer, Ryoko Ikeda, and Italian Claudio Villa, who illustrates the “Texcomic book series. The third winner was American Chris Ware, the mastermind behind graphic novel “Jimmy Corrigan“, which marked a radical change in the Japanese comic genre.

The most popular, and worldly renowned date on the event´s calendar is the parade in the centre of the Italian capital. If you have a favourite manga character, Rome is giving you the opportunity to dress up, and take part in the colourful, creative spectacle. Last year, thanks to the performance and amazing outfits of Italian comic book fans, Italy was crowned champions of the World Cosplay Summit (WCS), and event which is organised each year in the Japanese city of Nagoya.

Another exciting element of the annual festival is the Romics Comics Book Competition. A competition which pitches against one another the great Italian specialist comics and graphic novel publishers. The publisher which presents the best, and most interesting exclusives is awarded first place, and giving it mass exposure and the chance to promote its products – not to mention offer the fans the best out there on the market. The public is also invited to take an active part, with role-play games, video game matches, tournaments and other fun and games.

For the little ones, there is a special zone reserved, with lots of games, continuos screenings of specially selected films and TV shows, themed workshops and of course, they are along with everybody else, welcome to take part in the Cosplay parade.

CC Only-apartments Author

Barcelona has Expomanga, Madrid holds a Manga salon, and Rome has Romics: the Japanese comic is a culture which breaks boundaries, seduces public the world over, and even gets the non-fans hooked. You can´t afford to miss out on this festival, so if you were already planning a trip away, rent pretty apartments in Rome And if you are lucky enough to live in the Italian capital, and are intrigued by this event, head down to the Fiera Roma, armed with your camera and capture some of the sights of the parade.


Poppy Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Poppy