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Ronnie Scott´s London

Jazz, that music that was born on the shores of the Mississippi to express the pain for the loss of freedom, has been flooding every single corner on the planet since the 1920s. Although its natural place is in the United States, especially in the south, the old continent hasn´t been able to resist the attractive music with its melancholy and sadness. And if there´s a place that has attracted (due to its many good venues) its performers, artists, musicians and composers, that´s definitely London. Both shores of the Thames work just like a transposition of the Mississippi, such is the amount and variety of jazz clubs that, every night, offer live concerts. One of these places is Ronnie Scott´s, open since 1959, with musical evenings practically every day.

The venue has such fame that they´re booked out days in advance, especially if there´s someone famous playing. So it´s advisable, as always, that we organize our trip with time, by booking, together with our apartments in London an evening at Ronnie Scott´s, so everything will go smoothly.