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The Secrets of the most rented apartments

At Only-apartments we have analyzed those with the most reservations so far this year to see which are the characteristics most sought after. Although the apartments we looked at are in different cities all through the world, they have a lot in common. We can now show you the 4 Fundamental secrets, in order of importance:

1. Reviews: These are the most important. Internet users trust more with every comment from their fellow renters. The apartments with the most number of reservations in 2013 now has more than 100 reviews from past clients (the average is 41.88 out of the most rented), and this figure will increase. It is clear that the quantity is very important, but also the quality (even though it’s quite obvious, we checked that apartments with lots of negative reviews don’t receive reservations.)

Conclusion: You should motivate your clients to leave positive comments about your apartment. At Only-apartments we always send clients a satisfaction questionnaire when they leave the apartment, but you can play a very important role if you remind them to fill it in.

You can see those with the best ratings from clients by following this link, where we have done a qualitative study of the comments from the most reserved apartments.

2. Price. People compare prices before making any purchase, by following this link


3. Location. Not all clients want a central location. Even though your apartment might not be in the centre of the city, there are still a lot of chances to receive reservations if you always take our suggestions on board (remember we are apartment specialists!)

– If it’s in a good location, make the most of it. We have already covered this point, so all you now have to do is make a small effort with the other points.

– If it is not well located, put effort in to get the most number of reviews, best prices or great photos so that customers can see that is worth staying in your apartment, even though it’s not in the centre of the city. Bear in mind, even more, that clients look for quality in accommodation, so you should promote your apartment and highlight its strengths to gain more reservations.

4. Photos: A pictures worth a thousand words, as we have already said. While conducting this research about our most rented apartments, we found that:

– 6 apartments had very good photos. In this post we show you how to take great photos

– 11 apartments had correct photos.

– 8 apartments had bad photos (but, yet again, these apartments were boosted by lots of comments, and most of them are priced well and in great areas)

The average number of photos per apartments is 15.28 (the apartment with the most reservations has more than 60!)