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Trinity College Rome

Like any city in the Mediterranean, Rome enjoys pleasant temperatures. That´s why it´s normal that from 7pm, the ´professional´ night owls gather in the streets. Rome, despite its chaos, doesn´t usually have urban agglomerations but, simply, the restaurants, pizzerias, cafeterias and other establishments offer what´s known as the ´aperitivo´, which is a light snack with a glass of wine. And that´s how the night begins in Rome, and it can be as long as you like.


Anyway, clubbing and music lovers, if you´re in Rome (also suitable for the locals) have to visit Trinity College, a small Irish oasis where they serve good beer, good alcoholic beverages and live music in pure Celtic style. The night, of course, will be long. It´s a meeting place for all English-speaking people in this part of Italy, and there are plenty of them.


Rome is a vibrant city with multiple faces and aspects. If you´re travelling with a group of friends to celebrate an event, Trinity College organize it to your taste. Remember that you can do this arrangement and booking apartments in Rome online, comfortably from home. We´ll wait for your thoughts on your trip.