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Visual Festival Brasil 2011

The ninth edition of the Festival Visual Brazil will take place at Centro Cultural Punt Multimedia in Barcelona, over 1st and 2nd of July. Activities this year will be themed around multiculturalism, and integration through art, and how it can contribute to different modes of communication.

visual festival brasil

Festival Visual Brazil was created as an event which would open space for creativity, and experimentation, developing thoughtful discussion, exchange and new ideas for audiovisual arts.

Discussing art and multiculturalism might seem a complicated task, particularly because culture is all about our relations with the world, and ways of living – a social process which connects language, religion, ideology; things which are often difficult to distinguish and comprehend.

However, with art, the limits of culture become diffused, producing a dialogue which facilitates a meeting between different worlds. This is made possible by the symbolic language of emotions expressed through art. In this sense, sadness, anger, helplessness, and other feelings have universal representations in different cultures.

A example of this multicultural fusion is the project from VJ JAM, with the audiovisual collective Folcore from Barcelona, who have chosen to fuse the sounds on the margins of the mainstream, with ethnic music, or those belonging to African and Latin American cultures. The aesthetic objective is deconstruction in order to produce a meeting between different cultures, via a fusion of images and music. Participating in the project are VJ Eletroiman, recent winner of Festival Torna 2011 in Rome, VJ O´Video and Damian.

Mastigando Humanos by Daniel Peixoto is a mixture of electronic sound with traditional tones, where the audiovisual impacts with rapid, video-clip images. It´s a fusion between the deep Brazil of the North East, and abstract geometry, which harmonises with the music. The work has been internationally acclaimed by press and critics.

There is also an interesting screening of video installations, including the project PirarucuDuo representing Brazil, the collective White Frames and the Barcelona collective made up of diverse nationalities, We‘re Da Robotz.

In the different audiovisual performances and video clips there are interesting musical projects, from interesting experimental sounds to drum and bass made by DJs Vigas, Chico Abreu, Notívago, Benvinda, Guidub and Artech. The crowing glory of this section is the premier of video clip Pássaro Inmigrante by DJ and independent producer Yoka. The video recounts the experience of living as an immigrant, and issues of sharing cultures.

And since the festival wouldn´t be complete without some debate, there is also a section called Proyectos Híbridos, which opens up thought about the possibilities of making and investigating new audiovisual projects.

For more information http://www.festivalvisualbrasil.com/

Nancy Guzman Only-apartments AuthorNancy Guzman

If you are staying in Barcelona accommodation be sure not to miss out this audiovisual experience – which also features music, and some interesting discussions about the future and multiculturalism of contemporary art.

Poppy Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: Poppy