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Vorticism: rebellious artists in London and New York 1914-1918

For the first time in Italy, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection (www.guggenheim-venice.it) presents an exhibition devoted entirely to Vorticism, a short-lived British art movement characterized by a style that combines the forms of mechanical time to the image suggested by the vortex, which took place in early twentieth century. This exhibition is curated by Commissioners Viviane Greene and Mark Antliff and will take place from 28 January to 15 May.


Vorticism is generally considered as one of the most significant of British artistic production moments of that time, although it lasted for very short (approximately for three years). Its beginnings date back to the Rebel Art Centre, an art production founded by Wyndham Lewis, among others, in opposition to the Omega Workshops of Roger Fry, and finds its roots in the Bloomsbury Group, Cubism and Futurism. Cubism, especially, was a major source of inspiration for the group, but traditionally it is often associated with the future due to erroneous assumptions such as care for dynamism (a peculiarity almost absent in the vortex, with the exception of Nevinson, artist that in the course of his career approached to Futurism), the age of the machine (a futuristic veneration which most Vorticists distrusted) and the abstract style. But the most obvious difference between these two movements is undoubtedly the way in which they treat to represent the moving image. In Vorticistic art reality of the modern condition is shown by an order of bold lines and discordant colors that lead the viewer right into the center of the work. Hence the interest in the movement of the vortex, its inevitable attraction.

The term Vorticism was first used in 1913 by the famous poet and writer Ezra Pound, although a year before Lewis (usually considered the movement´s central artist) had already been painting using that style. Among the leading exponents there are William Roberts, Edward Wadsworth, Frederick Etchells and Cuthbert Hamilton, as well as Helen Saunders and Jessica Dismorr, which were not considered of the time by critics because they were female artists in a sexist world. The figure of the vortex leads us to an abstract place where human emotions come together, a spiral movement that dominates in the modern era.

It will be possible to visit the exhibition every day except Tuesday, from 10 to 18hs. In addition, each day at 15.30hs the museum offers free guided tours for which no reservation is required. The ticket price is 12 euros, with discounts for students up to 26 (7 euros) and retirees (10 euros). Members and children can access for free.

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