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The Vulnerable Body, an exhibition by Victoria Diehl

Victoria Diehl is a young photographer born in La Coruña, Spain, in 1978 and, despite her short career she has been awarded and has exhibited her works many times. Her ability to present photographic works full of romance and sensuality combining the contemporary and classic style is truly amazing and in her work life and death are intertwined all the time.

victoria dielh <b>vulnerable</b> body

This time anyone who wants to enjoy her work can attend the Cero Gallery, located in Madrid, which will host the exhibition “The Vulnerable Body” that will be displayed from December 1 until February 3, 2011.

This exhibition is a beautiful and disturbing sample by the photographer where images are in process of metamorphosis where, for example, a stone will turn into human flesh and also, conversely, where a human body will end up petrified.

In “The Vulnerable Body” Diehl shows again the importance of the intermediate spaces that so much attract her attention and which have always been part of her exhibitions and screenshots. This way, she will take the viewer into an imaginary and nonexistent universe where nothing can be considered impossible and unreal and where the only thing that matters is the perspective of the artist.

More info at: http://www.galeriacero.com/site/

Cero Gallery: Calle Fuenterrabía 13, 28014, Retiro, Madrid

MiLK Only-apartments AuthorMiLK

Lovers of photography have an appointment in “The Vulnerable Body” to be presented at the Cero Gallery until February 3, 2011. If you want to know more about the works of Victoria Diehl you can rent apartments in Madrid and enjoy one of today’s most important young photographers in Spanish.?

salome antigone Only-apartments TranslatorTranslated by: salome antigone