Florence, a small city if we compare it to other more important ones in Italy, has a large quantity of big museums and many of them are very striking. Among them we can find the Galileo Museum which is also known as the Museum of History of Science. This place presents scientific instruments and tools from the Renaissance until last century, which makes it into one of the most relevant from around the world.
Some of the oldest tools that there are in the place are from the Lorraine and Medici families. There are also mathematical artifacts, astronomy ones, surgical ones or even some that were used to navigate. Also, one of the most interesting and outstanding collections is the wrist watch one, which dates from the end of the 16th century.
There´s something that everyone looks for in the museum and that´s the telescope that Galileo used in 1609 to find, for example, Jupiter´s satellites.
Finally, the place also exhibits one of Galileo´s fingers, which was separated from the body in 1737 at the moment that his remains were being transported.
You can rent apartments in Florence and enjoy one of the most important science museums in the world.