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White Night in Paris

It´s the best night of the year, even better than New Year´s Eve, better than any other night. It´s the best initiative that´s ever come out of any Town Council, so good that other cities haven´t hesitated to import it or to even blatantly copy it. This night reaches the record of nearly a million ´likes´ on Facebook, and it deserves no less: but, what is White Night in Paris? It essentially consists in not allowing the day to end, on prolonging the opening times for shops, museums, showrooms, cinemas, monumental places… and rounded up with shows for all tastes, distributed around a duly signposted circuit in the centre of Paris.


Art lovers can enjoy a first-class visit to the different great museums in the City of Light, increasing so the overwhelming offer of temporary and permanent exhibitions that you can enjoy on any given day. The best DJs in the world will gather in street shows and the shop owners won´t want to miss such a big crowd and will leave their shops open. Every year is different and the chosen day moves around the first week of October, so you have to be alert to the news on the blog where we´ll give good account of each year´s programme.


The White Night in Paris can be enjoyed with family and friends. Remember that if you travel to this spectacular city, you should book some of the excellent apartments in Paris because it´s time to rest and recharge batteries the morning after.