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The Capitoline Museums Rome

The Capitoline Museums is the most important civic museum in Rome and, although it might sound strange, it refers to it because of its origin. Some of the ancient sculptures that can be observed in its galleries were added by the Pope Benedict XIV in the 18th century.


At the head of the Capitolines you can find the Palazzo dei Conservatori and the Palazzo Nuovo, which are buildings that can be found in the Piazza del Campidoglio, which was remodeled after a design that was made by the very own Michelangelo, one of the most important artists in history.


Its construction began in 1471 when the Pope Sixtus IV gave Rome a collection of bronze that were originally from Laterano. These bronzes were installed, by order of Sixtus IV, in the Patio dei Conservatori and in the Piazza del Campidoglio. What´s interesting about all this is that the museum is the oldest municipal museum in the world, and the amount of exceptional works that there is there is due to the donations by popes like Paul III or Pius V.


For all of these reasons, the Capitoline Museums is a place you have to visit in the Italian city. You can rent apartments in Rome