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La Fenice Theatre

La Fenice Theatre is one of the most famous opera theatres in the world. Inside thousands of premieres of plays have been performed and from there, they´ve gone to play all over the world.


It´s situated in the historic centre of the city of Venice and its architecture, both interior and exterior, is a delight for all to see. Its name means “Phoenix Theatre” in English and there isn´t a tourist that leaves the city without going there and seeing it inside.


The theatre currently operates as an opera theatre and everyone can go to the plays that are performed , although the price of the tickets isn´t cheap (like in all operas in general).


But its building suffered various attacks since its construction in 1792 up until today. In 1837 the theatre caught fire and was completely destroyed. A year later it was rebuilt and it survived the two world wars. It held on until 1996 when, due to remodelation works, it also caught fire.


Even though it´s been built and rebuilt a few times, the theatre has always preserved its architecture of yesterday and today.


To visit this great theatre rent apartments in Venice