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Harry´s Bar Venice

In Venice there are many restaurants and bars, but few have the history that Harry´s Bar has. Its creator is Giuseppe Cipriani, born in Verona but who ended up in Germany due to his parents´ work. In the Second World War they had to go back to their native country and, at that time, he got work in one of the best restaurants at the place.


Since then, he went from job to job learning and doing what he liked the most, until he got to Venice and, together with his wife Giulietta, they founded what is still today Harry´s Bar, which is located in what used to be a cul de sac, although there´s now a bridge that allows one to cross the canal towards St Marco´s Square.


Since its opening, the place not only became popular among the locals but also with the famous people who visited the city. People like Barbara Hutton, Valentina Schiee, Orson Welles, Truman Capote or Ernest Hemingway were seen drinking in Harry´s bar and enjoying its entertaining facilities.


For all these reasons the place has today become one of the bars that has the most history. If the walls of Harry´s Bar could talk, they´d tell some of the most interesting stories in the city.


For this reason, if you want to visit this beautiful and historic place, you just have to rent apartments in Venice and don´t miss out on the chance of doing so.